Get the latest news and videos for this Shadow of mordor pc multiplayer daily, no spam, no fuss. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor contained some light online elements in a mode called Vendetta, which saw you take on orcs that had previous slain other players in battle. Original Story, August 7: Monolith Studios, the team behind Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and the upcoming Shadow of War, seem to be taking a new direction for their next game according to a job opening posted on the TimeWarner careers page. The game will allow you to use your orc army to capture and then maintain an online fortress for other players to attempt to capture using their own armies. You only get one chance to kill your new foe, but if you succeed, you and your friend will both receive rewards, as reported by Eurogamer. Middle-earth: Shadow of War makes it onto our list of the best upcoming PC games.